It's been a wet growing season in Nashville and plant growth is lush, including undesirables! I noticed a nice crop of poison ivy at the edges of the grass at the baseball fields this past weekend, featured in the attached video. See if you can hear our son closely paying attention to my points on recognizing poison ivy!

Recognizing Poison Ivy Traceside Dermatology and Allergy Robert Valet MD

Apart from usual ways of being exposed (walking through brush, pulling weeds), two particularly bad exposures include weed wacking (and spraying your legs with poison ivy juice) and fires (even in winter; poison ivy vines also contain the oil and can be present on logs that you may be burning). If you are exposed, washing with soap and water right away can help remove the oils before you react to them.

If you are among the 90% of us who react to poison ivy, the small bumpy itchy red rash can be soothed somewhat with OTC topicals including cortisone and calamine, but for more severe cases, long courses of systemic steroids are needed. Another case of prevention being the best cure!